
XII International Conference


Dear Colleagues,

on behalf of the Organizing Committee, I have the privilege of inviting you to participate in the 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference “ELEMENT CYCLE IN THE ENVIRONMENT: BIOACCUMULATION-TOXICITY-PREVENTION”, which will be held on 27 and 28 September 2018, in Warsaw, Poland, at the Conference Center of the Polish Army. The Conference is organized by the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute in cooperation with the Department of Infrastructure of Poland’s Ministry of National Defense.

The Conference will continue the theme discussed during our previous Conferences devoted to the latest scientific achievements in the field of issues related to the presence of elements and toxic substances in the environment, with particular reference to synergistic and antagonistic interactions as well as the possibility of preventing the incorporation of toxic elements and substances into the trophic chain.

The scientific program will focus on the sources of elements and toxic substances and their transformations in the basic components of the environment – air, water, soil and living organisms, as well as on the environmental and health risk assessments.

The results of the project related to nitrogen transformation in agroecosystems, entitled „Support for low-carbon agriculture adaptable to climate change now as well as in the 2030 and 2050 perspective”,  will be presented during the Conference.

Let me express the hope that, the same as the previous 11 Conferences, the forthcoming one  will prove to be a forum for the interactive exchange of views and experiences that will bring together the scientific community as well as practitioners and students dedicating themselves to environmental protection.

Media patronage

Chemical Review monthly magazine

Seidel-Przywecki Publishing house



Scientific Committee

Chair:                          Prof. Barbara Gworek

Co-chair:                    Dr. Eng. Krystian Szczepański


Scientific Secretaries:      

Prof. Maciej Sadowski

Prof. Wiesław Oleszek

Prof. Cezary Sławiński

Dr hab. Eng. Jacek Antonkiewicz

Dr hab. Grażyna Porębska


Prof. Jerzy FalandyszProf.TaduszŻarski
Prof.WojciechGotkiewiczDr. hab. Agnieszka Baran
Prof.JanuszIgrasDr. hab. DanutaCiechańska.
Prof.CezaryKabałaDr hab. JanuszCzerepko
Prof. Anna KarczewskaDr. hab. WojciechDmuchowski
Prof. Roman NiżnikowskiDr.hab. Agnieszka Kolada
Prof. Jerzy PaszkowskiDr. hab. Eugeniusz Koda
Prof.KrystynaPawlasDr. hab. Beata Kuziemska
Prof. Stefan PierzynowskiDr. hab. Patryk Oleszczuk
Prof.GunnoRenmanDr.hab. Agnieszka Pasztaleniec
Prof.CzesławaRosik-DulewskaDr. hab. Jan Skowronek
Prof.Wiesław SzulcDr. hab. WojciechStępień
Prof.WojciechWąsowiczDr. hab. Maria Włodarczyk – Makuła
Prof. Lidia WolskaDr. hab. Ilona Żeber-Dzikowska
Prof. Marina ValentukevičienėDr. Agnieszka Klimkowicz-Pawlas
Prof. Alena VollmannovaDr. Bożena Smreczak
Prof. Monika Załęska-Radziwiłł


Organizing Committee

Chair:                          Prof. Barbara Gworek

Co – chair:                  Dr. Eng. Krystian Szczepański



Dr. hab. Agnieszka KoladaDr.Eng. Marzena Spyra – Kałuska
Dr. hab. Jerzy KozyraCol. Piotr Sołtykiewicz, MSc.
Dr. hab. Agnieszka PasztaleniecBrig. Gen. Dariusz Ryczkowski, MSc.Eng.
Dr. Jarosław ChmielewskiMSc.Eng.Edyta Sygocka
Dr. Magdalena Głogowska


Conference Secretariat

Dr. Eng. Marzena Spyra-Kałuska

Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute

5/11d Krucza

00-548 Warsaw, Poland

Phone: +48 22 37 50 568



Conference Venue

The Conference Centre of the Polish Army, Warsaw, 9/13 Żwirki i Wigury

(Centrum Konferencyjne Wojska Polskiego, Warszawa, Al. Żwirki i Wigury 9/13).



Statement of participationby 07.09.2018
Sending by e-mail the title of the  submitted paper/poster with a summary 

by 07.09.2018


Payment of registration fee by 07.09.2018


Publishing of a scientific research:

  • Monograph – publishing cost  100 EURO/manuscript


Manuscript submission deadline

15 August 2018


  • Environmental Protection and Natural Resources – publishing cost 360 EURO/manuscript


Manuscript submission deadline

31 August 2018             Issue   4/2018 (December)

31 December 2018        Issue   1/2019 (March)


Conditions of Participation

Registration fee                  105 EURO


Participation in academic sessions is free for university students


Conference fee should be paid to the account:

IBAN: PL08 1240 6247 1978 0000 4977 1529


note: Conference “Element cycle”

and with the names of the Conference participants

Conference registration fee includes:

  • conference materials
  • coffee breaks/lunch
  • dinner


The registration fee does not include hotels, accommodation and business trips.

The accommodation is not provided by the Conference organizers.


Participation confirmation, the Conference Agenda and the Information Note will be e-mailed to the Participants after 7 September 2018.

The Participants of the Conference agree to the use of their image (e.g. in photos from the Conference) in the Conference materials (mainly on the website)


Cancellation of the participation in the Conference

In case you decide to cancel your participation in the Conference, please inform us in written via e-mail, no later than as of 7 September 2018. This will be the basis for the return of the conference fee, otherwise the fee return will not be possible.


Registration Form