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About The Institute

The Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute (IEP-NRI) is a departmental institute supervised by the Ministry of Climate and Environment. The primary goal of the Institute is to create the scientific basis for environmental protection, to provide knowledge to the governmental and local governmental administration and economic entities, as well as to raise the level of ecological awareness and shape the ecological attitudes of society.

In its activities the IEP-NRI deals with the following issues:

  • Air quality
  • Waste management
  • Climate change
  • Protection of the Earth’s surface
  • Protection against noise
  • Management of emissions
  • Sustainable development
  • Eco-toxicology
  • Environmental analyses
  • Research
  • Ecological education

IEP-NRI is the country’s leading scientific and research unit in the field of environmental protection. The Institute’s rank is confirmed by the comprehensive assessment of its scientific and research and development activities for the years 2013-2016, conducted in 2017, in which IEP-NRI was once again awarded scientific category A.

High qualifications, significant activity and commitment of the Institute’s staff, as well as the level of research and development work corresponding to European standards have contributed to the position of a significant research centre both in the domestic scientific community and abroad, as well as a reliable and fully professional partner for the economic environment. The Institute’s laboratory base is equipped with modern research apparatus and the technical infrastructure meets the high requirements necessary to conduct scientific research and development work at the highest world level.


Marcin Stoczkiewicz, Ph.D., Eng.
Marcin Stoczkiewicz, Ph.D., Eng.
Robert Jeszke
zastępca dyrektora 
ds. zarządzania emisjam
Robert Jeszke
Deputy Director
for Emissions Management
Ilona Jędrasik 
Deputy Director for Climate Change and International Cooperation
Ilona Jędrasik
Deputy Director for Climate Change and International Cooperation
mgr Marek Rembisz
Z-ca Dyrektora 
ds. Ekonomiczno-Administracyjnych
Marek Rembisz
Deputy Director for Economy and


According to its statute, the Institute conducts scientific research and research and development work for the development of the economy, concerning environmental protection, sustainable development, counteracting climate change and the rational use of the environment and its resources. The Institute also conducts research and performs assessments of the state of the environment, also within the framework of environmental monitoring.

The scope of the Institute’s activity shall include in particular:

  • development of scientific and technical base for protection of nature and environment, including state ecological policy, programmes for combating climate change
  • carrying out research and development work in the fields of:
    • comprehensive environmental studies (including degradation processes and their effects)
    • environmental policy and environmental strategies, programmes and plans
    • protection of air against pollution
    • counteracting climate change
    • protection against noise; landscape protection
    • protection of living natural resources
    • protection and restoration of biologically active land
    • protection and restoration of water resources
    • waste management
    • management of chemicals in the environment
  • adaptation of the research results and development work for practical use

The Institute’s organisational structure also includes the National Centre for Balancing and Emissions Management (KOBiZE / NCBEM), whose primary task is to administer the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) in Poland, including maintaining the Polish part of the EU register.










The Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute was established by a decree of the Minister of Environmental Protection on 1st April 1986.

In essence, this was a reactivation of the Institute, which had been established in 1973, and in the following year, together with three other Institutes: Municipal Management, Urban Planning and Architecture and Housing Management were incorporated into the newly established Institute of Environmental Management.

At the same time as the Institute of Environmental Protection was reactivated, the Institute of Environmental Design ceased its activities.


By order of the Minister of Environmental Protection in 1986 the Institute of Environmental Protection was established.


Establishment of the National Centre for Balancing and Managing Emissions KOBiZE / NCBEM).


In 2010 the Institute was granted the status of a National Research Institute.


In 2017 the Institute was awarded the scientific category A.


Establishment of the National Climate Change Centre (KOZK/ NCCC)
