
Cooperation between IOŚ-PIB/KOBiZE and IGTIPC from Kazakhstan in the area of emission trading systems

On December 6, 2021, a bilateral meeting was held in the hybrid formula between the Institute of Environmental Protection-National Research Institute, under which the National Centre for Emissions Management operates (hereinafter: IOŚ-PIB/KOBiZE) and International Green Technologies and Investment Projects Center NJSC (hereinafter: IGTIPC), which is the operator of the State Register of carbon units of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The meeting took the form of a seminar and concerned the functioning of emission trading systems in the EU and Kazakhstan.

The Polish side presented the experience related to the implementation and operation of the emission allowance trading system, in particular in the field of monitoring, reporting and verification, i.e. elements that are the first necessary to be implemented in the newly created systems. Moreover, research projects were presented in which IOŚ-PIB/KOBiZE are currently participating, i.e. LIFE Climate CAKE PL, LIFE VIIEW 2050 and ECEMF. Part of the discussion concerned the draft of new EU regulations, i.e. “Fit for 55%” package, including in particular the issue of the carbon border tax (CBAM, Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism), the possible implementation of which will impact directly into the functioning of the emissions trading system in Kazakhstan .

Director of IOŚ-PIB, Krystian Szczepański, PhD Eng., expressed the readiness to exchange experiences, expert, scientific and methodological support as part of the integration of the ETS of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the EU emission trading system. In the case of IOŚ-PIB/KOBiZE, it is the first international cooperation of this type, which, we hope, will be an example for other countries outside the EU.

An important point of the meeting was the signing of a Memorandum between IOŚ-PIB/KOBiZE and IGTIPC aimed at developing Polish-Kazakh cooperation in the area of ​​emission trading systems. On behalf of IOŚ-PIB, the document was signed by Mrs Monika Sekuła, Deputy Manager of KOBiZE, IOŚ-PIB, while the representative of the Kazakh side visiting Warsaw was Mr Daniyar Yerenchinov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of IGTIPC.