Bridging current knowledge gaps to enable the UPTAKE of carbon dioxide removal methods

Development of a new generation of tools for designing decarbonization paths using technologies for absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere (CDR technologies).
Scientific and research centers, projects financed by the Horizon program, public administration, CDR technology providers, financial institutions, non-governmental organizations.
The UPTAKE project aims to facilitate the scale-up of the sustainable use of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) methods by developing a set of robust strategies and technical, theoretical and practical analysis, accompanied by interactive dialogue in the CDR stakeholder forum. As a result, the UPTAKE project will develop a harmonized, comprehensive and transparent CDR knowledge inventory to assess a wide range of CDR technologies and methods, quantifying their national, European and global costs, effectiveness and removal potential, as well as risks, limitations and side effects at different scales and prospects for technological progress. The UPTAKE project evaluates CDR governance and policy frameworks, taking into account public acceptance, accountability, monitoring and regulations for the sustainable implementation of CDR at scale. The models participating in the UPTAKE project represent the state of the art in climate, energy and economic science. These models take different approaches to representing mitigation options and economic sectors, so they will generate a set of scenarios that provide robust insight and recommendations for implementing CDR methods in a socially just, resilient and sustainable way.
The project is funded by the EU’s Horizon Europe framework program for research and innovation. The project budget is EUR 6.3 million.
September 2023 – August 2027