AdJUST activities involve European public bodies, industry, civil society and researchers, working together to design and promote a shared vision towards the common goal of achieving climate neutrality. It relies on state-of-the-art economic assessment tools, statistical analysis, and research approaches from other social science disciplines — including political science, business management, public administration, political theory, philosophy and ethics — to generate methodologically-sound research results on the full range of challenges of the just transition. These comprise technical, economic, and social/equity dimensions for companies, workers, households and public bodies, and the potential distributional impacts of the EU Green Deal, NextGenerationEU and Fit for 55 package. AdJUST thus combines research approaches from complementary disciplines with a continuous social dialogue, ensuring that the project practices open science, models procedural justice, and builds understanding, trust and capacity among citizens and other stakeholders concerning the transition to climate neutrality.
AdJUST activities involve European public bodies, industry, civil society and researchers, working together to design and promote a shared vision towards the common goal of achieving climate neutrality. dJUST thus combines research approaches from complementary disciplines with a continuous social dialogue, ensuring that the project practices open science, models procedural justice, and builds understanding, trust and capacity among citizens and other stakeholders concerning the transition to climate neutrality.
AdJUST is a transdisciplinary project aimed mainly at achieving a significant change in the social understanding of the distributional consequences of the transition towards climate neutrality and at identifying effective interventions that will minimize the negative impacts of the transition. Within the framework of the AdJUST project, the CAKE team operating within IOŚ-PIB will primarily develop a model tool (the d-PLACE model) for assessing the impact of climate policy on the economy. In particular, we will try to include the specifics of the labour market in the model. The preparation of the modelling tools will allow us to provide an assessment how the low-carbon transition will affect the movement of workers between sectors. The results of the analysis will be presented in the form of scientific reports.
Project is financed from the EU “Horizont Europe”
Coordinator: Fondacione Centro Euro-Mediterraneosui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) Partners in the consortium: Asociacion BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change – Klima Aldaketa Ikergai Stiftelsen Frischsenteret for Samfunnsokonomisk Forskning Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change Asociatia pur Si Simplu Verde I nstitute for European Environmental Policy Osterreichische Forschungsstiftung fur Internationale Entwicklung Instytut Ochrony Środowiska – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy E3-Modelling AE Confederatia Patronalia Concordia Judetul Gorj Consiliul Judetean Dolj Consiliul Judetean Calarasi Consiliul Judetean Hunedoara Conferderation Europeenne des Syndicats ADF Stichting Oxfam International Confederatia Nationala Sindicala Cartel ALFA Arges County Council Suceava County Consiliul Judetean Botosani University College London London School of Economics and Political Science |
1 October 2022 – 30 September 2026 (48 months)