Marcin Stoczkiewicz, Ph.D.
phone: 22 37 50 525
fax: 22 37 50 501

Director of the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute
Doctor of Laws, the specialist in public business law, environmental law, and climate protection law, and the author of dozens of scientific publications. The lawyer and manager with more than 20 years of experience in working for the public and private sector, as well as for the non-governmental sector. Previously, a lecturer and an associate professor at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University, chair of public business law and next chair of environmental law (2002-2013).
The author of books: “Pomoc publiczna dla przędsiebiorstw energetycznych w prawie Unii Europejskiej” (State aid for energy undertakings in EU law), Wolters Kluwer, 2011, and “Prawo ochrony klimatu w kontekście praw czlowieka” (Climate Change Law in the context of Human Rights), Wolters Kluwer 2021.
Robert Jeszke
Deputy Director for Emissions Management
phone: 22 56 96 570
fax: 22 56 96 500

Deputy Director for Emissions Management
An experienced expert with 20 years of professional practice in climate and energy policy and sustainable development. Founder of the Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE). Head of Unit at the National Centre for Emissions Management for many years. Coordinator of projects funded by EU LIFE and Horizon programmes. Member of the Expert Council on Energy Security and Climate. Government expert during the negotiations of the EU Climate and Energy Package 2008 and its implementation. Co-author of the architecture of the climate mitigation financing mechanism in Poland – the Green Investment Scheme (GIS). Polish national expert on evaluation of policies and measures on the UNFCCC list of experts. Member of the Polish government delegation to COP14, COP19 and COP25.
Initiator and editor-in-chief of the monthly ‘CO2 Market Report’ published by KOBiZE since 2012 and the publication ‘GO2’50’. Author and co-author of numerous analyses and publications on emissions trading and climate-energy policy issues, published in national and international journals.
Head of the Environmental Health Section at the Ministry of Health from 2003 to 2007.
Ilona Jędrasik
Deputy Director for Climate Change and International Cooperation
phone: 22 37 50 525
fax: 22 37 50 501

Public policy and communications expert, a social activist, and a manager. She has worked in the third sector for many years. She held chief positions in NGOs such as ClientEarth Poland (President of the Management Board), Reform Institute (Chairwoman of the Council), WWF Poland (Member of the Council), and the Polish Climate Coalition (Member of the Steering Committee).
She specialises in climate, energy, and air quality policy. At ClientEarth Poland, she directed the climate and energy team experienced in litigation and preparation of regulatory comments and proposals.
She accomplished her MSc in sociology at the University of Warsaw and completed postgraduate studies in foreign policy at Collegium Civitas and the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM). In the years 2017-2021, she worked on a PhD thesis in the field of political science and administration at SGH Warsaw School of Economics. She attended and completed several courses, e.g. Legislative Process at the University of Warsaw and European Energy Transition at Florence School of Regulation. She is the author of numerous scientific and media publications.
For her work on climate protection, she was recognized as one of Forbes magazine’s 25 Female Sustainable Development Leaders (2021) and was chosen to be one of the European Leaders of the Obama Foundation (2022). She is a graduate of the School of Political Leaders.
Monika Kujawa
Deputy Director for Economic and Administration
phone: 22 255 94 88

Expert with over 20 years of professional experience in finance, accounting, and management. She developed her career in the private sector, where she was responsible for comprehensive accounting services for companies and supervised the work of accounting teams.
In the field of external audit, she participated in the examination of financial statements of companies from various industries, gaining valuable expertise in this area.
From 2001 to 2021, she was affiliated with Lazarski University in Warsaw, where, as an educator, she trained future specialists in accounting.