
Minister Paulina Hennig-Kloska appointed a new Deputy Director for Emissions Management at IOŚ-PIB

Robert Jeszke, current Head of the Strategy and Analysis Unit and the Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE) at IOŚ-PIB, was appointed on September 6 by the Minister of Climate and Environment, Paulina Hennig-Kloska to the position of Deputy Director for Emissions Management at IOŚ-PIB. The nomination was presented by Deputy Minister, Krzysztof Bolesta.

Robert Jeszke is an experienced expert with 20 years of professional practice in climate and energy policy and sustainable development. He is the founder of the Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis (CAKE) and head of Unit at the National Centre for Emissions Management for many years. Coordinator of projects funded by EU LIFE and Horizon programmes. Member of the Expert Council on Energy Security and Climate. Government expert during the negotiations of the EU Climate and Energy Package 2008 and its implementation. Co-author of the architecture of the climate mitigation financing mechanism in Poland – the Green Investment Scheme (GIS). Polish national expert on evaluation of policies and measures on the UNFCCC list of experts. Member of the Polish government delegation to COP14, COP19 and COP25.
Initiator and editor-in-chief of the monthly ‘CO2 Market Report’ published by KOBiZE since 2012 and the publication ‘GO2’50’. Author and co-author of numerous analyses and publications on emissions trading and climate-energy policy issues, published in national and international journals.

He was the head of the Environmental Health Section at the Ministry of Health from 2003 to 2007.