
Earth Protection Centre

The Earth Protection Centre carries out scientific research, development and service-research work as well as supports public administration in the field of environmental safety related to the introduction of substances and preparations intentionally produced and released as by-products as a result of technological processes, microbiological and parasitological hazards into the environment. It develops methods to prevent degradation and remediation of environmental components.


The Department of Environmental Chemistry and Risk Assessment conducts interdisciplinary research into the processes and effects of environmental degradation, together with environmental and health risk assessment, develops remediation methods for soil and aquatic environments, and supports public administration in accordance with national and EU regulations in the area of marketing plant protection products and fertilisers, including in particular the following tasks:

  • conducting scientific research, development and service and dissemination of the results of research and development work aimed at
    • assessment of mobility of xenobiotics in the environment, with particular consideration for organic compounds (including pharmaceuticals, parabens, PCBs, PAHs, dioxins, furans) and trace elements including Hg, Cd , Pb;
    • assessment of environmental and health risks from substances specifically manufactured and from by-products of technological processes released into the environment from industrial and agricultural activities;
    • assessment of the effects of releases of chemical substances from waste into the environment – environmental and health risk assessment;
    • inactivation of organic pollutants (e.g. pesticides, pharmaceuticals) and heavy metals in basic elements of the environment, waste water and sewage sludge;
    • development of biological, physico-chemical and chemical methods for remediation of soil and aquatic environments;
    • life cycle analysis (LCA) in the assessment of products, technologies, waste management systems and the determination of their carbon footprint;
    • development of strategies for managing waste as a source of raw materials and renewable energy;
    • development of concepts for the sustainable use of waste;
    • environmental and health risk assessment for the development of re
    • environmental risk assessment of vulnerable areas;
    • selecting the best technique/technology for soil/degraded land remediation and water purification;
  • forecasting risks and assessing trends in environmental change
  • drawing up initial reports on the state of soil, ground and groundwater pollution by risk substances resulting from the implementation of Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control) (Official Journal of the EU of 2010, series L 334/17)
  • Development of evaluations, reports and comments in the process of approval of a plant protection product for marketing (in accordance with the principles set out in the Act of 18 December 2003 on plant protection (Dz. U. of 2016, item 2041) regarding:
    • physical, chemical and technical properties , including its active substance;
    • the impact of the plant protection product on human and animal health resulting from the use of the plant protection product (toxicology);
    • effects of the plant protection product on human and animal health arising from residues of the plant protection product in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin
    • the impact of the plant protection product on vertebrates to be controlled, where the plant protection product is intended for use against those animals
    • the fate and behaviour of the plant protection product in the environment
    • the impact of the plant protection product on non-target organisms (ecotoxicology)
    • the efficacy of the plant protection product, taking into account adverse effects on plants and plant products.
  • issuing opinions – in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of 18 June 2008, on the implementation of certain provisions of the Act on Fertilizers and Fertilization (Journal of Laws of 2008, No. 119, item 765, as amended. ) regarding the environmental impact of organic and organic-mineral fertilizer or organic and organic-mineral fertilizer, plant growth promoter/ soil improver manufactured from raw materials that are waste or animal by-products or from products derived from waste or animal by-products, or containing waste or animal by-products or products derived from waste or animal by-products, and fertilisers or plant boosters/soil conditioners, the chemical composition of which contains a substance hitherto unknown or not used in agriculture.

The Department of Ecotoxicology conducts scientific research, development and service work and disseminates their results in the field of ecological safety related to the presence of chemical substances and preparations in the environment, as well as microbiological and parasitological threats in the environment, in particular:

  • It carries out scientific research activity in the field of ecotoxicology, genotoxicity and biodegradation for:
    • chemical substances and preparations intentionally produced before they are allowed on the market (e.g. plant protection products, biocides, medicines);
    • substances and mixtures released into the environment as undesirable products of technological processes;
    • environmental samples of surface and groundwater, waste, soil, bottom sediments, etc.
  • Serves as a research unit within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 25 February 2011 on chemical substances and their mixtures (Journal of Laws 2015, item 1203) and the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 22 May 2013 on Good Laboratory Practice and performing tests in accordance with the principles of Good Laboratory Practice (Journal of Laws 2013, item 665)
  • Prepare ecotoxicity test reports for the registration procedures of chemical substances and preparations within the scope defined by the specific legislation for the individual product groups (i.e. plant protection products, pharmaceuticals, biocides, etc.
  • Develops environmental risk assessments to support chemical management processes in the environment
  • Performs physicochemical and biological analyses of organic and organic-mineral fertilisers as well as organic and organic-mineral plant cultivation aids in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of 18 June 2008 on the implementation of certain provisions of the Act on fertilisers and fertilising (Journal of Laws 2008, item 765)
  • Carries out expert and research activity in determining the extent of the impact of municipal management facilities
  • Performs microbiological and physico-chemical analyses of water and wastewater
  • It carries out expert and research activity in the field of cosmetic products’ safety


Zakład Chemii Środowiska i Oceny Ryzyka
Zakład Ekotoksykologii

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