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Centre for Integrated Environmental Studies

The Centre for Integrated Environmental Studies conducts research as well as provides scientific and technical support for national strategies in relation to international obligations and national conditions in the field of protection against noise, ambient air quality, climate change, sustainable development, protection and restoration of surface waters and water management.


The Department of Environmental Acoustics has specialist measuring equipment for long-term noise monitoring research, which was purchased from the funds of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management under contract no. 112/2017/Wn07/MN-po/D.

The Department is involved in the development of systems and monitoring of the acoustic state of the environment in accordance with the provisions of national and EU regulations, as well as the provision of substantive support in this area for state and local administration bodies, in particular, the Department’s tasks include:

  • preparation and implementation of a system for supervision by the Institute over the quality and correctness of execution of acoustic maps and the resulting programmes for protection of the environment against noise, in accordance with Directive 2002/49/EC
  • the assessment of levels of noise pollution and annoyance, including the assessment of impacts on living conditions;
  • the development of methodological materials (including guidelines, recommendations and pointers) for  protection against noise as well as the creation and development of quiet areas in cities
  • forecasting and assessment of noise pollution in the environment
  • design, development, control and implementation of unified environmental noise measurement methodologies and techniques for environmental control services
  • the substantive maintenance of noise abatement data collection systems at national, regional and local level
  • development and implementation of new environmental noise abatement solutions taking into account C/B (cost/benefit) analysis elements
  • solving problems related to acoustic issues in post-execution analyses, environmental impact reports and ecological reviews
  • implementing and maintaining quality assurance systems for testing and documenting them according to established procedures, including the organisation of inter-laboratory noise testing
  • providing expert support in national and international working groups including EIONET
  • providing substantive support to the development of strategic documents and legislation related to noise.

The Department of Environmental Acoustics implements the InRaViS and InRaNoS projects, which are co-financed by PKP PLK and the National Centre for Research and Development, from the European Regional Development Fund, within the framework of the competition No. 1/4.1.1/2017/POIR Joint Undertaking BRIK

Central Laboratory of Environmental Analyses – CentLab is engaged in carrying out research and analysis of collected environmental samples. The tasks of the Laboratory include in particular:

  • performing analyses of environmental samples (including sampling) for organic and inorganic compounds and physicochemical properties for the Centre’s units and external clients
  • close cooperation with the Department of Integrated Environmental Monitoring and implementation of tasks resulting from cooperation with national and international laboratories connected with monitoring networks to which the Borecka Forest Environmental Monitoring Station is included
  • development of methodological materials (including guidelines, recommendations, instructions) for air and water quality analyses
  • carrying out methodological work on the development and implementation of new research methods
  • development and implementation of new research methods
  • implementing and maintaining quality assurance systems for testing and documenting them in accordance with established procedures
  • providing training, consultation, advice on matters arising from the scope of the establishment.

The Department of the Integrated Environmental Monitoring deals with integrated research and analyses of the condition of the environment and performance of tasks resulting from national and international research and measurement programmes, to which the Borecka Forest Comprehensive Environmental Monitoring Station is included. The Department’s tasks include in particular:

  • implementation of tasks resulting from national and international research and measurement programmes and monitoring and scientific networks
  • providing expert support in national and international working groups and contributing to the preparation of official government positions and decisions
  • conducting and developing integrated research on the quality of the environment at the NMC Borecka Forest Station
  • development of measurement techniques and methodologies for studying the state of the environment
  • identification and forecasting of threats to the natural environment, including atmospheric pollution
  • creation, adaptation, verification and parameterisation of models of the quality of the geographical environment, including improvement of methods for forecasting changes in the environment, taking into account variant analyses (scenarios) and multi-criteria optimisation methods
  • acquisition and updating and processing of input data to environmental quality models, including creation of databases, archiving of results
  • performing integrated assessments using numerical modelling, including performing analyses and calculations of sectoral scenarios, and assessing impacts and costs on the environment and human health
  • development of methodological material (including guidelines, recommendations, indications) for environmental quality assessment and rules for carrying out integrated assessments
  • development of guidelines, recommendations, procedures and test methodologies, including a quality assurance scheme for the results
  • development of methods for the assessment of changes in ecosystems from an integrated perspective, together with the development of new environmental quality indicators that take biotic and abiotic elements into account
  • preparation of reports and information on air pollution for national and local administrations, international organisations and the European Commission and for public information
  • implementing and maintaining quality assurance systems for testing and documenting them in accordance with established procedures
  • providing substantive support for the development of strategic documents and legal acts related to environmental protection.

The Department of Water Protection conducts scientific research, development and service-research work and disseminates their results in a wide range of issues related to the ecology, protection and restoration of surface inland waters, including in particular:

  • conducting scientific research activities in the field of development and validation of methods for evaluation and monitoring of inland waters and rational management of water resources
  • carrying out research work aimed at analysing and evaluating the causes and effects of pollution/eutrophication of waters, including analysis of changes in biotic and abiotic parameters of the quality of the aquatic environment
  • development of methods, standards and guidelines for the assessment and protection of surface water
  • providing substantive support to public administration bodies in the development of concepts, principles and assumptions for the organisation of an inland waterway monitoring system
  • educational activities on the status of inland waters, including training in the use of new methodological tools for surface water monitoring
  • preparation of reports and studies on the state of the aquatic environment for national and local administrations and international organisations, as well as for public information
  • providing substantive support for the development of strategic documents and legislation related to water quality

The Department of Environmental Design deals with the practical aspects of activities to implement national and international long-term strategies and objectives in the field of the environment, including primarily the impact of air pollution on the environment and human health.
The tasks of the Department include:

  • conducting scientific and research work in the field of
    • shaping the scientific basis of air protection policies and strategies and the technical-economic and legal-organizational conditions of their implementation,
    • Principles and methodology of planning and management for air quality improvement,
    • effectiveness and efficiency of legal regulations and economic mechanisms applied in the field of air protection
    • Principles and methodology of improvement of existing and introduction of new standards and procedures to improve the quality of the environment, including air
  • carrying out research and work in the field of multilateral international agreements concerning:
    • cooperation of the Republic of Poland with the European Union, the European Economic Commission and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and with EECCA countries in the field of improving the quality of the environment, with particular emphasis on the impact of air pollution,
    • negotiations of new international agreements in the field of environment,
    • national conditions for the implementation of the provisions of environmental conventions, in particular in the field of air quality and its impact on the environment and health;
  • development of expert opinions and programmes in the areas of competence of the Department listed above, as well as in the field of:
    • threats to health and ecosystems in connection with environmental degradation,
    • environmental emergencies, including risk assessments on transboundary transport of air pollutants and emergency releases of hazardous substances into waters,
    • level of awareness of local communities regarding environmental protection and its impact on air and water quality.

The Department of Wastewater Technology – Wrocław Branch carries out study, research and development and design work in the area of technologies and technical solutions for water and wastewater management, sludge management of cities and industry, as well as in the area of water protection systems:

  • carrying out research on model biological, chemical or physical unit processes for their application in water and wastewater management
  • development and implementation of new technologies for wastewater treatment and sludge treatment for industry or municipalities, including adaptation of available solutions to current priorities in national or regional water and wastewater management
  • development and implementation of combined municipal and industrial wastewater treatment technologies
  • providing process designs and technical concepts for the construction and modernisation of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, including the construction or modernisation of sewage sludge treatment and management systems
  • providing technical expertise for wastewater treatment plants, sludge treatment plants or water and wastewater management systems for industry and municipalities
  • technical consultancy (proofreading, opinions and documentation evaluations) for the purposes of implementing investments in water and wastewater management at the stage of tendering, design, execution, start-up or documentation of the environmental effect;
  • strategic planning and programming for the protection of water resources in catchment areas and sub-basins, including studies, assessment, modelling and forecasting of surface water quality
  • assessment of water-economic and environmental aspects of waste management with particular reference to sewage sludge
  • development of database systems for water protection infrastructure, e.g. for water management
  • comprehensive commissioning of wastewater treatment plants, including sludge treatment plants with biogas management and water treatment plants
  • provision of specialised testing services for water and wastewater management, including
    • measurements of the oxygenation capacity of aeration systems,
    • tests of activated sludge parameters,
    • assessment of pollutant removal efficiency,
    • energy efficiency assessment of processes and installations
    • Measurement of other technological and quality parameters.
  • provision of laboratory services for the physical and chemical analysis of water, wastewater, sludge, waste and soils in a wide range of indicators
  • drawing up operational documentation (e.g. instructions, guidelines) and formal and legal documentation (water supply and environmental impact assessments) for water treatment plants, sewage treatment plants, landfill sites and waste treatment plants
  • training of staff at waste water treatment plants and water purification plants, including courses for operators and managers of waste water treatment plants


Zakład Akustyki Środowiska
Centralne Laboratorium Analiz Środowiskowych – CentLab
Zakład Zintegrowanego Monitoringu Środowiska
Zakład Ochrony Wód
Zakład Kształtowania Środowiska
Zakład Technologii ŚciekówZiska

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